Online booking engine API

Your on line booking engine web site integration

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API Booking engine integration

Estar API Booking  engine integrazione
2 way XML Booking engine A.P.I.

For all Estar booking customers, the api service booking engine is available for vacation rentals web sites. The API.BOL module allows an easy 2 way XML integration, where your webmaster will only have to use about the css, and the booking engine module will provides all the data useful for an optimal customer search and booking, with a full web site integration.

Here you can find what it is possible to obtain via the 2 way XML related flow:

  •     search bar population;
  •     related to a web vacation rentals search, to obtain an available Properties listing for the related search, with calculated vacation rental prices (complete set with property name, short description, photo, vacation price, guests allowed and property gps coords );
  •     A Complete set of the Property for a full property page (all the information, plus price list, availabilities, photo gallery, property rules and facilities) ;
  •     A dedicated call to send a booking in a pending state, to the Estar booking application, with basic customer data;
  •     A call to obtain customer vacation rentals history;
  •     With an optional module, to have a safe URL link (SSL), over Estar booking server where the customer registration is available, on line payment, Estar Booking data transfer, dynamic customer e-mail message with pdf confirmation, and a final landing on your web site for a final thanks page step.

WHITE LABEL Estar service

For all the Estar Booking customers basic web sites, that don't want to have an XML interaction, it is possible to have a one line code integration, via the Estar White Label service, that permits the full search , listing, property details and booking process, also with responsive functions.

This solution is the Entry level option for basic integration over vacation rental Estar Booking services.

With regard to Estar Village camping platform, the Ctoutvert Estar group partnership allows users to integrate the Ctoutvert multilanguage booking engine and process, connected via API functions with Estar Village platforms.

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